You may be familiar with my Energetic Fusion work, where I have combined what I have learned from various emotional clearing and other energetic modalities. I have been doing that for a number of years and that is how most people (and likely whoever referred you) know of me.
I call myself The Energetic Detective because I follow the energetic “clues” to get to the source of your issues.
The Work
In the last couple months, I have adapted my own version of something called ‘Tolpakan Healing’. It is a much deeper and broader modality than what I have done in the past. There is nothing the client has to do to experience it, whereas before, emotions were taken down the spine and back up. You simply have to be fully present and attentive - no multi-tasking!
There are three simple charts used – one to determine what to clear, another to determine what positive things to add, and the third which contains clues that we might not otherwise be aware of. As an example, it is possible what you are experiencing might be part of your soul experience template, or there might be parts of your various bodies (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, energetic and dimensional) that need some evolution or correction.
Being Open
This is key: You must be open to things you may not understand in order to receive this work. Many diseases and issues are caused by entity interference. Simply put, entities are energies that have attached to you or your environment. These are mostly ‘wayward energies’ that are lost, and attach to whatever passes by them. These are not demons or evil, they are simply troublemakers, whose job is to take anything negative and amplify it – a little irritation becomes rage, a little sadness becomes depression, etc.
There are other strange or ‘out there’ concepts that may come up during a session, like dimensional rifts, extraterrestrial contact, alternate lives or universes, and more. You do not have to understand any of these things or believe in them. If you prefer, I can say them silently. However, if you are not at least open to these things, this work is not for you. I totally understand – it is not for everyone, and I thank you for considering it.
In addition there are things that are addressed that are not covered in the previous modalities, such as emotional, spiritual, dimensional, energetic and mental ‘debris’ emotional baggage, empathy, light scores, mass consciousness beliefs, negative thought forms, vows/oaths/curses/hexes/spells/black magic, negative contracts, and so much more.
What I have done thus far, is to start with this modality, then go back through the Energetic Fusion for emotional clearing, then back and forth between the two until nothing else is left to clear for that session. This combination of modalities is a more powerful than all I have done previously. I also find that people ‘feel’ more energy moving in their body/field than with other modalities. Again, it’s not for everyone but come and play – check it out with me.
The Original Modality
I can still book you for the Energetic Fusion, where we clear emotions that cause issues in your body and life. The price is the same, but I find the new modality more efficient. Here is an 11 minute video explaining that older modality. I am sorry to say that I do not yet have a video for the new modality, but it is far less complex for the client. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibOTj6mpVXY&feature=youtu.be
Booking and Pricing
I am generally booked 8 – 10 weeks out. I do have a waiting list. I prioritize those with urgent issues, so please let me know about these if you want to be on the waiting list. Appointments are available Monday through Friday at 9:00, 10:30, 1:00, 2:30 and 4:00, Eastern time.
Sessions are $111. This is layered work. Your subconscious can only give me a certain amount at one time so there is a 90% chance that you will need more than one session but I cannot tell you how many. It depends on your subconscious, your willingness, receptivity, trauma, how fast you heal, and many other factors that make it impossible to predict.
Session Prep
You will need to create a list of things to work on. Please list at least 15 items. We may or may not get to them all on the first session. You are free to prioritize them or I can test for the most important issue at the time of our session.
This works on literally anything, so sky's the limit. When you create your list, please write short, specific bullet points/sentences, not paragraphs. You'll have the opportunity to elaborate in the session. It does not require lots of detail but something like 'improve my health' is way too broad. It doesn't have to be perfect - just take a shot at it.
If you include ‘weight loss’, that is too broad. I have 106 topics under this so you will need to decide how much time, or how many items you would like to cover in your session. Otherwise, I could go the entire time on this one topic. The same is true for abundance/money where I have 86 topics to choose from. I will test the most important items for you in those categories. Just tell me, for example, that you want to do the top 5 topics, or you want to spend 15 minutes on it.
Values and Final Thoughts
If you would like to schedule, just let me know via this email. At this time, I do not have a self-scheduling tool. My website is being completely redone at this moment. I have placed some FAQ items below, so please review those as well
My business values are integrity, authenticity, and compassion. I care deeply about my clients, and I hope you will become one of them! Please reach out if you have any questions.
Deep blessings,
What is the hybrid session like?
I take an item from your list and set the intention to clear it. I go to the first guide (imbalances and blocks to clear) and silently muscle test down the list. When I find the issue, I use a command to clear it. Then we go to the next. We circulate through the charts (what can I clear, what positive energies can I add, and messages to decipher from Source) and then go to the Energetic Fusion – back and forth - until the topic is complete for that session. It sounds very 'mental' but there is a ton of energy flowing.
Do you record sessions?
I do not record or allow you to record, and there is a reason for that. I don't record because you don't need to hear this more than once. You CAN get too much of this. Plus, you do not need to ruminate on what came up in the session. So no note taking either, as that pulls you out of your subconscious mind which is where I work. If you are multi-tasking in any way during a session you are not absorbing the work. Give yourself this time. Once things are cleared, they are cleared; and if you have a personality where you need to analyze what happened (and I totally get it), etc. this may not be for you.
Are sessions done in person?
No. All sessions are remote. Sessions are 55 minutes and done through Zoom. I will send the zoom link the morning of the session.
Do I need to send a new list every time?
No, I keep your list on file. You only need to send anything new for the list, or let me know if the priority changes. At the beginning of the session, I always ask if you have any updates – has there been any improvement anywhere. I then ask if there is anything new for your list or anything floating to the top as a priority.
How do I know when an item has been completely healed?
I state the intention for each item. Once I do that, we run through the charts. If the item has been completely healed, nothing will show up to clear. Once that happens I change the color of the item in your file. Next time we will do that item again. If it completes twice with nothing to clear, it comes off the list. I do it this way because sometimes it will finish clear once, but the next time there could be a couple of tiny things that come up.
How do I know when to have my next session?
At the end of the session I will test to see how long it will take you to integrate the work. Generally that is 4 weeks. That doesn’t mean you won’t feel anything until a month has passed. It means that not everything will be completely integrated for a month. You don’t want to have another session until you are completely integrated.